Thursday, December 9, 2010


Choreographed by:Marianna Geoffrey (June 10)
Music:Berta Song by Luca Bertarelli (CD: DJ Berta)
Descriptions:32 count - 4 wall - Beginner level line dance

Start after 16 counts from the beginning of the track.
Left Samba, Right Samba, Forward Mambo, Back Mambo
1&2Cross right over left, step left to left side, recover onto right
3&4Cross left over right, step right to right side, recover onto left
5&6Step right forward, recover onto left, step right together
7&8Step left back, recover onto right, step left together
Side-Behind-Recover X2, Cross Mambo, Cross Mambo 1/4 Turn Left
1&2Step right to right side, cross left behind right, recover onto right
3&4Step left to left side, cross right behind left, recover onto left
5&6Cross right over left, recover onto left, step right to right side
7&8Cross left over right, recover onto right, 1/4 turn left step left to left side
Cross Cha Cha, 1/2 Turn Left Cross Cha Cha, Side-Rock-Cross X2
1&2Cross right over left, step left behind right heel, cross right over left
3&41/2 turn left cross left over right, step right behind left heel, cross left over right
5&6Rock right to right side, recover onto left, cross right over left
7&8Rock left to left side, recover onto right, cross left over right
Forward Cha Cha, 1/2 Turn Left Forward Cha Cha, 1/4 Turn Left-Point X4
1&2Cha cha forward on RLR
3&4Turning 1/2 left cha cha forward on LRL
5-8Using right foot as a pivot, do a 1/4 turn left pointing left to left side x4 to complete a full turn left.